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Passing it on

I've come to believe we're all on the path; learning as we watch, as we succeed, and as we fail. The techniques I’ve learned in four decades of marketing go into designing and presenting woodworking classes distilled from my own experiences.

I have fun at it. Students do too. Here's what they're saying:Phil really made the class interesting.

I teach a variety of classes through The Sawdust Shop in Sunnyvale, CA, and also offer individual instruction in areas covered by the classes. Click on a link below to learn more about a class, see more student quotes, and to reserve a spot.

Sharpening Hand Tool Blades
Hand tools can be the fastest solution to a problem. But they only work if they’re sharp. Learn how to tune up chisels and hand planes, and how to put a shaving edge on their blades. You’ll also learn to sharpen and use a card scrapers. How about scissors? Turning tools? Knives? Bring your sharpening challenges to this fast paced, one evening class.
Introduction to Finishing
Do you wonder what to do at the last stage of a project—creating the finished surface people see and feel? Finishing is as important as stock selection or joinery, and deserves just as much thought. You’ve put a lot of effort into building something. In this class you’ll learn how to protect and show off your project.
Surface Decoration: Router Inlay for Beginners Inlay is a fast and simple way to add pizazz to things you make. Come see how to do eye-catching inlays that look hard but aren’t. Also learn a simple wood bending technique you’ll use to inlay curved elements. Want people to say, “Wow!” when they see your projects? Join us! Jigs and Fixtures
Want to make your woodworking easier and more precise? Come learn to make and use precision woodworking aids. Then take them home to help in your own shop.
In this class you’ll make:
• Step-and-repeat jigs for repetitive operations;
• Fingerboards to guide work through tools;
• T-track and stops to use with your own tools;
• Devices to move fences 1/1000 of an inch;
• Wedge and boomerang clamps to hold work;
...and more.
Pens I: Turning Beautiful Pens
Are you looking for an easy, fun woodturning experience? Come learn to make pens with us. You’ll make one or two pens during the class, and learn everything from cutting blanks to applying the finish. Additionally, you’ll have a chance to experiment with decorative techniques that can set your pens apart as something special. No turning experience? This class is for you. Learn to turn in a friendly and safe environment.
Woodworking for Teens
No wood shop at your school? Or do you just want more interesting projects and personal attention? Join us for an 8-week teen woodworking adventure. You’ll build three projects, and get experience with plans, tools, joinery, and finishing techniques. If you want to be an engineer, a craftsman, or just want to build your hand skills, this class is for you. We’ll have a good time as we learn together.
Pens II: Fancy Pens
Ready to take pen turning to the next level?
Start making products you won’t see at craft fairs. In this two-evening class, you’ll learn to create unique writing instruments that feature inlays of brass, aluminum, and wood veneers. These are real conversation pieces, and go for premium prices if you sell them.
This class covers Celtic knot designs, pinstripe and dot inlays, super-durable finishes, and more.
Pens II is for people who know how to make basic pens. If you can make a pen and turn a smooth cylinder, you’re ready. It focuses on using routers, drill presses, and bandsaws to create blanks you can turn into amazing finished pens. It uses simple fixtures you can make yourself or purchase inexpensively to use in your own turning.
Come join us for a two-night exploration of exotic pen turning.
Introduction to Woodturning
Turning is as close as woodworkers get to instant gratification. It lets you experience wood in a whole new way, as a curving, sculptural medium that magically takes shape on the lathe. It’s a fast, fun way to produce useful and beautiful items. It’s also a great way to create knobs, legs, and finials for your projects.
This class is completely redesigned from the one offered previously by another instructor. In this class you’ll begin with spindle turning: the technique you use for pens, furniture legs, and tool handles. Then you’ll move on to faceplate turning, used for bowls and platters. In each case, you’ll have a finished product to take home.
Over two evenings and a full day, you’ll learn the skills to start turning on your own.
Bandsaw Magic for Beginners
Bandsaws are the most flexible power saws in the shop. They cut curves and joinery, resaw lumber, and are much safer than table saws for ripping and for cutting small pieces. But you’ve got to put in the right blade, set up the saw, and use it properly to get good results. In this class you’ll learn to get the most out of the saw, and you’ll make an unusual bandsawn box in the process.
Wooden Jewelry
Learn to make unique jewelry from scraps of wood too pretty to throw out but too small for larger projects. You can use pen blanks and other bits of beautiful wood that are inexpensive because of their small size. The process is easy, and you can wear the results home from class (or have them ready to give to a special someone).
In this one-day workshop you’ll use laser, lathe, and saw to create necklaces, earrings, brooches, and other adornments. No prior experience is necessary.
Router Magic for Beginners
Hand-held or table mounted, routers help you with joinery, shaping, inlay, and decorative effects. In this class you’ll use small, hand-held routers and full-sized table-mounted routers to build a delicate, inlaid box from thin stock. Come learn how to cut mortise and tenon joints, inlay a decorative element, profile and shape edges to a pattern, and more.
Introduction to Veneering
Do you want to dress up your projects with beautiful woods in eye-catching patterns? Maybe you want to make more stable panels and tabletops, while dramatically cutting the cost of materials. Or perhaps you’d like a special project, featuring woods you could never find, let alone join, as solid lumber. If so, veneering is for you.
In this two-evening class you’ll make a book-matched, veneered panel suitable for use in a box or small cabinet. You’ll leave with a wealth of knowledge about how to put veneers to work in your projects, some first-class shop notes, and a pretty panel ready to build into a project of your own. Class is suitable for beginners as well as more-experienced woodworkers.